Toll Free Numbers
Provide high quality information- or entertaimentservices for a fee over the phone. Depending on the plan you will receive compensation for each call or for each minute the call is active. Premium rate phone numbers offer all functions of our voice platform CloudVoice. Examples of possible routings:
- Routing by time / day of the week
- Routing by quote (e.g. 50% / 30% / 20%)
- Overflow if occupied/not reachable
- Sequential routing (a-b-c-a-b-c…)
- Parallelcall (all destinations at once)
- Routing on a public holiday

0900 Numbers in Germany
The following lanes are available:
0900-1… Info services (e.g. support)
0900-3… Entertainment services (e.g., horoscope)
0900-5… Eroticism
German 0900 numbers can be charged with any desired price per call or price per active call minute, as long as you comply with the following governmental limits:
- max. 3.00€/min. at a clock rate of max. 60 sec.
- max. 3.00€/call
Every call will be terminated if an amount of 50€ for this call has been reached or the call duration hits 60 minutes. Subsequently, the call can be made again.
Any number has a minimum length of 7 digits (e.g. 0800-1234567) and can be extended about 3 digits (e.g. 0800-1234567 123). The new numbers emerging can be forwarded to different destinations, on which bases every department or consultant of a company could be reached directly.
We are switching numbers assigned to you by the federal network agency. You can proof whether a number is already taken by clicking here.

0900 / 0930 in Austria
0900 / 0930 – phone numbers in Austria we offer you from our already activated pool. Routing is possible worldwide to any desired destination as well as to our voice-platform including features such as pre-qualification, parallel call, recording, menu selection and more. The following lanes are available:
0900 – Business / Entertainment
0930 – Eroticism
- max. 3.64€/min. for time-tariffed numbers
- max. 10.00€/call
Any network operator has to terminate the connection of time-tariffed numbers after a specific duration: the call has to be terminated after 60 minutes, unless a per minute fee of more than 2,20€ is charged, then the time limit decreases to 30 minutes. As a result any call can only costs as much as 132€.