About EMTEX, Telecom Services and Toll Free / Local Phone Numbers since 19952024-03-12T15:09:11+00:00


Calls processed since 1995

Back in 1995 computer scientist (Dipl.) Markus Enzinger started to provision and rent phone numbers to his customers. At this time Deutsche Telekom held the monopoly for phone numbers in Germany. Back then one long-distance call in Germany was charged with 32 cents per minute and if the destination was a mobile phone, the price increased to 1.30 Mark.

The rental of primary multiplex connections as well as the implementation of the first IVR-system was conducted one year later.

In 1997 EMTEX GmbH was founded. After the german communication market had been liberalized due to the TKG (communication law) in the year after, the prices dropped primarily caused by the competition of new network carriers.

EMTEX established a new telephony platform in Frankfurt am Main in 2001, because at any other location the connection to network carriers in Germany and abroad via SS7-cables was impossible. With 600 telephone lines and multiple redundant connections to several carriers, demanding projects could already be realized at that time.

SIP as we know it today was published in 2002 and thereby voice over IP began getting popular.

Several years later, after the voice over IP technology had been matured, EMTEX started the conversion to VoIP. This enabled us to offer innovative services with cost-effective connections worldwide.

Today we place our main focus on all-in-one solutions, containing phone numbers and intelligent call processing. Our Voice-Platform is installed geo-redundant at two locations and connected to several carriers in Germany and abroad. So we are capable of provisioning phone numbers in more than 50 countries and 10,000 cities within minutes.

Our mission: Striving for the highest amount of customer satisfaction and availability of our services. That´s what we have been proving to you – for 28 years, 24 hours a day.

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